Some Good Reads - A Loaner Library

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Owned by Greg Scheirer:

  • Trout Tips is a book of 250 fly fishing tips from TU members. Chapters include Casting a Flyrod, things You Should Know About Fly Selection, Things You Should Know About Reading Water, Things You Should Know About Fly Presentation, Tips and Tricks on Landing and Handling Fish.
  • Fishing Nymphs, Wet Flies and Streamer contains chapters titled Understanding Trout Streams, Sub Surface Basics and Getting Started. Sub Surface Fly Fishing Techniques.
  • The book Matching the Hatch talks about A Guide to Imitation of Insects. This book is about Evolution of Flyfishing, Trout Habits, Stream Insects, both eastern and western flies during different seasons. The book also has hatching charts and fly patterns.
  • Nymphs and the Trout by Sawyer is a classic. It talks a lot about the History of Flyfishing and also covers different types of water and tactics.
  • Fishing the Midge covers subjects like tools and techniques, different types of flies and their uses. This is also a classic book.