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photo BY ON June 25 - 0 COMMENTS
Georgetown carp 'rasslin Posted in
Went for a swim with this guy after he ate my mulberry fly
video BY chris_wood ON June 20 - 0 COMMENTS
Carp on the fly Posted in
A really nice carp. Took 20 mins to land
blog BY chris_hunt ON June 14 - 0 COMMENTS
Costa's "Films on Tap Tour" under way Posted in
If you're an avid fly fisher... a wannabe fish bum... and you haven't seen the suite of Costa films yet, here's your chance.
Through July, Costa and its sponsor Budweiser are taking the renowned films "GeoFish" and "Jungle Fish," as well as it's series, "The Take," on the road to craft breweries... [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON June 1 - 0 COMMENTS
Idaho TUers convene in Pocatello Posted in
The Idaho Council of Trout Unlimited convened in Pocatello on Saturday, June 1, for its annual spring meeting. The council--including chapter leaders from Twin Falls, Boise, Pocatello, Sandpoint and Sun Valley--meets twice a year to discuss TU work all over the state.
After a morning of meetings,... [ READ MORE... ]