
Dr. Drew E Dittmer
Dr. Drew E Dittmer
Job title:
Native Species Biologist
About me:
I'm a wildlife biologist, life long angler, and lover of red chile sauce.
Favorite quote:
Fish are the world’s best judge of Karma. Fish don’t care how much money a man’s made, or has invested in his equipment, or has spent to be on the best water at the just the right time. If he doesn’t have a balanced soul, if his spirit doesn’t speak to them…they won’t respond.--Bob White, 2018
Other Interests:
Traditional Archery
home cooking
Group membership:
The Front Porch
Wyoming - 9WY
Arizona - 9AZ
Greater Yellowstone Area
9NM- New Mexico
Fishing from a Canoe or Kayack
Yellowstone Fly Fishing
Stonefly Society - 048
Fly Tying
Trout Magazine
Small Streams
High Desert Anglers - 620
Old Pueblo - 531
Public lands not for sale
High Country Fly Fishers - 599