Welcome to the Hokendauqua Chapter Website.

Welcome to the Website


of the


Hokendauqua Chapter #535 of  TU




See our 'About' Page or the Activities page for chapter information.

 Go to any other page to see 'In This Section' on the left

of all the other pages on the site.

It is a list of all pages that are not listed

in the Menu at the top of the pages.

A link to a site 'map/directory' has also been added:


Site Directory


You have to Join the website to interact, view 'Shoutbox' or 'Take Action'

posts, post any items in comments sections or get the

full benefit of all the information that is on this site.

Click on 'Join' at the top right of the screen.

You do not need to be a member of TU to join

the site and there is no cost.

Send an email to hokeytu@hotmail.com if you need instructions

on joining the websites or leave a Response in the Guest book.

You may also go to the Website Primer Document or the

Website Discussion  page to see info on

joining and navigating the site.


To join TU at the introductory rate of $17.50


Click Here




Please add my name to your website so that I may be able to contact board of director members.

I was a board member and have now moved to another part of Pennsylvania and have joined the Bucks County Chapter, but would like to stay in contact with your chapter and participate in several of your activities.

Robert F. Cericola

21A Morningside Drive, Lansdale, PA 19446






Bob, you are already a member of the site as 'redquill'. Don't know your password though. You would not have been able to post this if you were not a member.