Membership & BOD Meetings
Our membership meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the months September through May at the Catasauqua High School on Bullshead Rd. (See Map for exact location). They take place in room C219 and start at 6:30PM. We have a presentation of interest (fishing trips by members, fishing techniques etc.) before the business portion of the meeting. This is the classroom that hosts the Trout in the Classroom program so you can check on the progress of the fish. May's meeting could be held at a different venue. You do not have to be a member to attend the meetings.Any suggestions for presentations or comments on the meetings can be entered in the 'Add a Comment' section below or in the 'Guest Book'.
Board of Direcrors Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month in the Egypt Fire Co. Training Hall or the Social Hall at 6:30 PM. Any Committee meetings are held at the discretion of the Chairman of the committee.
Go to Link below to download documents for the meetings and to see a list of Guest Speakers for future meetings: